
tadi malem kepikiran sama 2 perasaan tertentu deh.
soalnya 2 perasaan ini, lagi jadi satu di gue.
perasaan seneng sama perasaan sedih. kadang2, tanpa gue sadari..
2 perasaan ini bisa bikin kita ke'sakitan' sndiri.
either 'sakit' saking seneng nya ato 'sakit' saking pahit nya.

sekalinya ngerasa perasaan sedih, pasti bakalan melekat terus di hati kita.
maupun udah ngelakuin segala macem cara byar nyembuhin luka itu,
tapi tetep aja.. pasti masi belom sembuh total.

terus klo ngomongin perasaan seneng nih,
wuih! heboh bawaannya, senyam-senyum sana-sini.
dan pasti di dalem diri kita sendiri,
kita mikir "ini dia nih, suatu obat yang bisa nyembuhin luka gue"

'obat' ini bener2 bisa nyembuhin gak sih?
'obat' kan sesuatu yang berbentuk sementara
dan luka adalah sesuatu yang selalu membekas


“Sekarang gue tau, daritadi elo mikirin apaan Mir, mikirin ini lagi?” Salah, jawab Mira dalam hati, bukan ini Bil.. ada satu lagi yang sampai sekarang gue pun juga gak bisa merangkai kata-kata itu,

”Yah.. kalo elo bener-bener pusing dan.. BM, hehe, mendingan elo omongin baik-baik ama bokap. Elo bilang kalo elo pengen memenuhi keinginan elo sendiri tapi juga gak mau nyakitin hati bokap. Pasti bokap akhirnya bisa pilih deh..”

Sesaat Mira langsung mau membalas omongan Abil dengan bilang Bokap pasti gak bakalan nurut dan setuju maupun gue udah bilang apa aja tapi semua itu tidak dapat terucap karna tiba-tiba ada sosok perempuan yang Mira kenal sesaat dan juga muka Mira langsung kesel campur ke annoy,

”Abil?” tengok Abil ke arah suara itu “Kok ada disini? Tumben banget kamu nongkrong di daerah kemang”

“Eh, kam- ehem- elo Va,” Kikuk Abil melihat sosok Naeva ada di depan mereka berdua, lantas Abil lirik-lirikan sama Mira,

”Bil, gue ke toilet dulu yak, kebelet uy”

Kok gue pake acara melarikan diri gitu sih? Entar Abil malah ngira gue cemburu ato apa lah! Aduh, harusnya tadi gue diem aja terus minta dikenalin ato apalah, Pikir pusing Mira sambil jalan ke arah toiet,Yaa.. gak salah juga sih gue melarikan diri.. kalau dipikir-pikir kalo entar gue sikap nya mulai aneh ini semua salah Naeva lah! Ngapain lagi tuh anak ada disini? Aahh ngancurin suasana aja deh ah..


“Len~ tebak gue ada dimana sekarang?”

“Bentar Mir, gue pasang loud-speaker aja ya? Gue masih sama Claudine, lagi maen bentar dirumah dia, bentar..” Terang Lena sambil memberitahu Claudine bahwa Mira lagi di telepon,”Halooo~ halloooo~ hihih” Sambut Claudine

“Oi~ gue lagi bingung parah nihh! Dilema dilema..” Panik Mira di dalam kubik toilet

“Tunggu Mir, kok suara elo rada menggema-gema gitu sih?”

“Gue lagi di toilet a.k.a melarikan diri dari THE INVASION OF THE SUPER ANNOYING GIRL” Sebel Mira sambil memain-mainkan gulungan tisu lalu tiba-tiba ada suara sentoran toilet yang membuat Mira kaget dan langsung mengecilkan suara nya,”Iya nihh..”

“Hahaha” Ketawa Lena,”Si Naeva?”

“Ho oh, rese banget.. Lagi seru-seru nya ngobrol ama si, rrr..” Pikir Mira sesaat, selama ini Mira selalu membohongi teman-temannya dan dirinya sendiri bahwa dia selalu menaruh perasaan kepada Abil. Setiap kali teman-temannya ngatain Mira kalau Mira selalu salting ato langsung berbuat yang aneh-aneh itu semua pasti karna adanya keberadaan Abil di sekitar mereka, akhirnya hari dimana Mira akan mengakui semuanya kesampaian,”Mm.. gue lagi sama Abil..” Malu Mira berkata

“Terus?” Tanya Lena dan Claudine bersamaan, anehnya Mira tidak mendengar ejekan dari kedua temannya itu. Malahan mereka berdua lebih ingin tau kelanjutan cerita tentang si Naeva,”Hoi? Terus lanjutannya gimana?” Tanya Claudine

“Kok elo berdua gak kaget sih gue lagi sama Abil?”

“Ngapain juga kaget? Emang elo selama ini suka ama Abil kan? Terus suka jalan bareng juga?” Balas Lena tenang

“Aaahh.. jadi malu taauuu” Salting Mira sambil menutup mukanya dengan tangan kirinya dan terdengar suara Lena dan Claudine tertawa geli,”Udaahh.. malu nya entar aja abis lo cerita lagi ada apaa, Hahaha! Bodoh banget sih lu Mir” Sindir Lena.

Sesudah Mira menelpon Lena dan memberitahukan semua situasi yang Mira lagi lewati, akhirnya Mira sadar bahwa dia sudah hampir setengah jam di kamar mandi. Entar dikira ngapain lagi sama Abil, tapi setengah perasaan Mira tidak ingin keluar dari kamar mandi karna Mira tahu kalo dia keluar dari kamar mandi, dia akan melihat Naeva masih ada di situ.

Nyatanya, benar. Naeva masih ada disitu, lebih parahnya Naeva duduk di tempat duduk Mira. Mira bingung tapi juga kesal, Dih! Apaan tuh? Duduk ditempat duduk gue? Gak bisa ambil tempat duduk lain apa? Abil kok gak nyuruh dia pergi aja sih? Usir aja kalii.. Hehe, Mira tertawa kecil memikirkan liciknya diri sendiri.

Kalau gue sekarang kesitu, gue duduk dimana dong? Apakah si Naeva bakalan berdiri terus pergi? Ato dia bakalan diem aja terus ngarep gue ambil tempat duduk lain? Aduuhh Bil, sadar kek gue lagi liatin elo dari jauh begini
, Sibuk Mira melihat Abil dan Naeva dari lorong jalan ke toilet. Mira selalu berpikir setelah mendengar cerita Naeva dari Kale sehabis ujian waktu itu. Apakah di dalam diri Abil masih ada perasaan kakak-adik ke Naeva atau Abil sudah gak ada rasa apa-apa? Bisa dibilang Mira egois karena Mira ingin cuman ada Mira di dalam diri Abil, tapi dari penglihatan Mira sekarang, air muka Abil tampak biasa-biasa saja dan sama sekali tidak memperlihatkan bahwa ia udah gak ada rasa apa-apa.


Tiba-tiba ada rasa sakit yang muncul di dada Mira. Tangan Mira langsung menyentuh dadanya,Kok tiba-tiba kepikiran itu sih ya? Lalu Mira diam sesaat, Abil masih berasa dia kakak nya Naeva gak ya? Rasanya sekarang gue pengen nangis tapi gak ada alasan yang bagus untuk gue nangis sekarang. Lalu Mira pun menurunkan tangannya dan jalan menuju Abil dan Naeva berada.

Lonely Nite With A Cup-o-Coffee

My teeth are hurting because of the stoopid retainer that i'm currently using rite now! Argh! Don't tell me my teeth starting to gerak-gerak! =_= sakit bangeettt


So, yeap. I was supposed to do my site analysis on this construction on Orchard Street, New York but i dunno why i'm too lazy to do it. (like again and always) i want to be an architect but i don't wanna be a site analysis or something that's similar doing those kinda stuff =_= i just wanna design and design and design! But yeah, this is one of the step to be a good architect so better get used to it.

I think the hard point of getting to be an architect is to learn this kinda stuff. You have to have your own reason why do you want it to be like that. (yah, duh? everything have to have their own reason) but not me, lol. i'm the type of person that want to do stuff without any reason. :P but it's so hard to tell the 'guys' if your reason is just simply "because i want it that way"

is it wrong? isn't it similar to freedom of thinking (or speech? - not really :P)?


maybe, this is the way i am.. the type of person that doesn't really think about reasons
despite that in other category of reasons like: breaking up, etc etc, lol

Why should we analyse other building when we can actually talk to the architect and ask him/her? LOL! Dude, i'm a lazy ass bit*h, you got that rite xP. Aaaahhhh~ i'm too lazy to analyse! eventhough my professor already told me what should i analyse, but still.. too lazy to think a word, too lazy to think about the reasons, too lazy to think about the connection, too lazy to THE MAX!

Help? anyone?


Don't Wake Up If You Know It's June

Hah! I know today's like 20th of June already despite the title of this blog. But i just hafta put that down because i'm in love with Andre Harihandoyo's 'Pillow Street' song <3

Shout out for you Mr. Harihandoyo!
i sounded like i know you, but really i dont :P

So! it's already in the middle of June and according to my planner tomorrow is the first day of SUMMER and NYC is the best place you wanna be at the moment. Why? There are so much line ups for SUMMER CONCERT! (Calm down Sha, i'm not replacing your blog :p)

On 9th of June, Aisha & i watched SANTIGOLD's concert at Terminal 5 and it was MOTHERFATHER-ly AWESOME! We were like "ooowwhhh~ damn! i want to be her dancer now!" and stuff like that, lol. We laughed so much about everything! From our silliness, stoopidness, funniness (is that even a word?) and amazement from her concert. I remembered when Santigold started to sing and i was like jumping my ass off and then i looked at Aisha... SHE WAS STONED! DUDE! SHE STOOD THERE WITH HER CAMERA AND DOESN'T EVEN TOOK ANY PICTURES! LOL, and then i screamt "Sha! don't just stood there! Take some picturess!!" and she replied "i'm too speechless nam.. she's so pretty! what should i do?!" LOL

And then, the other concert that i went to is METRIC! Oooohhh~ now i'm the one who stoned and dunno what to do xD.. i watched Metric with Jovan and it was really a last minute decision that i wanted to watch them. Metric's concert was on 17th of June and on 16th i was like "Jovan... i think i want to watch Metric now, but too bad it's already sold out" but WAIT! THANK YOU TO CRAIGLIST for 2 tickets to go to Metric's concert. DAMN! THANK YOU CRAIGLIST & THANK YOU MOTHERNATURE, lol. First of all there's this drama that Jovan doesn't have any money to pay the ticket and he was like calling me each minute despite that i was already at class and going to Orchard Street for my next project. Ohk GOD! i was terrified by thinking "oh damn! He doesn't have money and i'm here, so he couldn't meet me to get the money and stuff. NO!! I'M NOT GONNA WATCH METRIC!! NOOOOOOO~~~!!" But... THANK YOU AIDIL to lending us his money hehe., (i really like the miracle of June <3)

Guess who's gonna be at Williamsburgh Musil Hall?

the answer is: Orlando Weeks, Hugo & Felix White, Rupert Jarvis & Sam Doyle



Phobophobia- Fear of phobias

Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing.
Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse.
Ancraophobia- Fear of wind.
Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single
Bibliophobia- Fear of books.
Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness
Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns.
Dendrophobia- Fear of trees.
Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school.
Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers.
Epistaxiophobia- Fear of nosebleeds.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia- Fear of the number 666.
Heliophobia- Fear of the sun.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese.
Judeophobia- Fear of Jews.
Logophobia- Fear of words.
Medorthophobia- Fear of an erect penis.
Novercaphobia- Fear of your step-mother.
Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight
Omphalophobia- Fear of belly buttons.
Ophthalmophobia- Fear of being stared at.
Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th.
Peladophobia- Fear of bald people.
Philemaphobia or Philematophobia- Fear of kissing.
Philophobia- Fear of falling in love or being in love.
Pogonophobia- Fear of beards.
Russophobia- Fear of Russians.
Sinophobia- Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.
Stasibasiphobia or Stasiphobia- Fear of standing or walking.
Telephonophobia- Fear of telephones.
Teutophobia- Fear of German or German things.
Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair
Urophobia- Fear of urine or urinating
Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women.
Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.

That would be the list of weird phobias i have seen




No Longer What You Ask;

"Please don't get me wrong
But I can't find the words to tell you
But now I feel like I don't know you
Please don't get me wrong

I remember
Late nights when I stayed up late
All I do is wait and wait
Your never coming home to me
That's the hardest thing to see

Love was kept from me like a secret
And I swore that I was through until you
I remember those simple things
I remember 'till I cry
A memory I want to forget

Don't you see
That the charade is over?
And all the "Best Deceptions"
And "Clever Cover Story" Awards
Goes to you.

i could leave you well enough
alone believe and you'll be overcome
and gone by grace away
better off than if i stay
i could leave you walk away
we'll save it for another day

You're close enough to see that
You're the other side of the world to me
So much going on, it gets hard to breathe

you made it easy,
as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)
there's only one thing two do three words four you.

i loved you?"


ngek ngok~

malem-malem begini enaknya tuh tidur dengan perasaan tenang. Ya kali! tugas masih numpuk, udara jelek mulu, stress senin uda midterm lagi. Ampun dah euy~

malem-malem begini sambil dengerin lagu-lagu di iTunes en selonjoran di karpet trus udara dingin-dingin bikin masuk angin ala NY enakan nulis blog! tulis-tulis yuk

malem-malem begini kalo mau nulis blog, nulis apa ya? harusnya sih ngerjain tugas.. tapi males

malem-malem begini pengen ngomongin sesuatu yang ngena di hati. tapi apaan coba? pembicaraan apaan yg bisa ngena di hati? pengen ketawa-tawa sampe nangis mikirin gak ada yg harus di pikirin. udah lama banget ngerasain itu kayaknya.. tiap hari kerjaannya ada 'tugas' di kepala - maupun ada di kepala tapi tetep pergi kemana-mana HAHAHA -


kemarin lagi iseng-isengnya buka buku tak bergaris en niatnya buat doodling-doodling, tau gak nemu apaan? (ya gak bakalan gue bilang juga sih tentang apaan_ haha!) GILAK YA! kayaknya waktu itu gue sangat kecewa.. bisa dibilang kayak hopeless and pathetic. SO PATHETIC TO THE MAX MAX! bisa jadi menggila gitu. astaga nagaa. tapi kalo dipikir-pikir, mungkin emang wajar kali ya? ada satu detik ato menit di hidup kita yang kita ngerasa pathetic banget? manusia kan gak ada yg perfect. jadi sebodo'teing aja deh.. gue sepathetic apa. mungkin krn itu gue tulis di buku tak bergaris itu, supaya gue inget waktu itu gue kayak apa. seseneng dan sesedih apa gue pada saat itu.


bok.. gue abis ngomong apaan sih? HAHAHHAHAHA btw, i just checked my twitter and read Naomi's twits. And i found this blog about movies, and you know what?? I FOUND MY FAVORITE OLDIES CARTOON ON CARTOON NETWORK!! it's called "Captain Planet & The Planeteers" DUDE! LOL! was i really into healthy environment and stuff? well, i think it's because i really don't understand english back then..huakakaka! if you guys are thinking "what the heck is this planeteers cartoon??" you guys should check this one out!

Captain Planet & The Planeteers


kyahahaha! i was such a dork, but a friendly&loves-the-environment dork HAHAH wish everyone could be like those planeteers so that the world is a better place to be, not that it's already is :)


"They don't know about me & you"

i was listening to my "tidur yok" playlist on iTunes just now and suddenly i wanted to do something creative! So, i copied the lyrics of all the songs that on my playlist and set it up.

it ended up with something like this..

"I know your eyes in the morning sun
When I look at you my mind goes on a trip
leave your things behind
And everything is going to the beat

I stop my rambling
I took a plane
I took a train
With the nightly kisses
I love so much

You need to watch the way you talking to me
Play with words when we cannot sing
And tell him that now, that you wish he would die
You gotta make the move
How could you know what I'm saying about it
To just get off my case this isn't happening stop this now

Will I always be denied
Moods that take me and erase me
one night to push and scream
and I won't be blamed for not feeling the same

I sit and watch the screen for a message
you say there's nothing wrong but I dont hear it
I'd take another chance
Then you passed it to someone new
Hiding, somewhere in the night"

damn.. gak sengaja lho.